Wednesday, May 9, 2007

No Accent Yet (First award!)

Our first ever ORA goes to Tiff of No Accent Yet.

She tears up three separate victims in this piece of creative crabbiness, letting a computer program, a convenience store, and a poor stupid IT guy have it.

What I love about this piece is the sheer volume of emotion combined with unusual creativity, written very articulately. I wanted to slap the IT guy myself by the time it was done. This is a wonderful rant to kick off the awards!

Scoring (scale of 5):
5 Purity: This is a rant, no question.
4 Readability: Tiff uses conversational style in this long post. It's a quick read punctuated with colors, caps, bolds, and whimsical spellings.
5 Passion: She's absolutely feeling it.
5 Persuasion: The Haloscan rant is ongoing, did not have the history of complaint in this rant. I felt sheepish myself reading the 'shape up or ship out' portion. The coffee cup rant had me simply agreeing. The IT rant really got to me though, absolutely persuaded she's a saint for being civil with him.
4 Humor: I giggled more than a couple times, especially at this:
The final, incredible, jaw-droppingly vapid suggestion that somehow my MODEM wasn't working correctly and I'd have to call the Cable Company to fix the signal was the dripping clotty icing on the flaccid wet cake of his infinitesimal expertise.

4 Creativity: I have learned some new ways to combine words, for sure.
27 total score


tiff said...

thank you thank you thank you!

Linked to here on my bloggie. What a cool idea!!

Biff Spiffy said...

There's one I just read at Wordnerd: